
Cat and home.

Kittens are very resourceful, curious and playful. It is good to keep an eye on them in the first weeks and months.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to secure the property where you have your cat. They can climb in and out everywhere. What does that mean?
From the nets on the windows, to the security of the vents and also the balconies or terraces. Many cat owners think that because nothing has happened to their cat on the windowsill for five years, that it will always be the case. The opposite is true ☹ More than one cat has paid for this with his life. All it takes is a bird flying over the wheel, or slipping, falling asleep and falling…the stimuli are many. If you want to let your cat on the balcony, please secure it with a net. Nowadays there are also designs that you don’t have to drill into the walls. This also applies to windows.

Unfortunately, times have changed since our grandmothers’ time there are more cars- cars belong on the road, not cats. There is simply more danger for cats roaming freely outside. Therefore, every owner should consider whether to let their cat outside. Obviously, a cat is still a beast and would love to run around outside. Even the garden can be secured -remove branches that overhang the neighbour’s garden. Get special fence extensions. In short, prevent the cat from escaping from the garden. If it escapes … there is the risk of a collision with a car, an angry neighbour with a dog, strange people who delight in torturing animals, etc. etc. In short – “you’re responsible for what you strap on!”.
Kittens are also smaller in stature, so don’t forget the spaces where you think they can’t go – like behind a cupboard, behind the fridge, under a low bed, in drawers etc. This happens too or kittens are very flexible 😊. It’s a good idea to put some barriers in there if you can’t do otherwise.

Cables are dangerous for them because in the first months they like to bite everything. Hanging cords from blinds or curtains. A kitten can play and get tangled. Some cats also like to climb on curtains if they have no other options (scratching posts, shelf climbers..see below)
Free lying objects in accessible places like vases, boxes, figurines etc etc are like a magnet for kittens but also adult cats 😊 And a button goes off in their head – IT MUST GO DOWN! As the cat grows it gets to higher places, cats simply MUST explore everything. So it’s good to keep an eye on things at higher altitudes.

Watch out for pots and plants. Some flowers are poisonous to cats.

Resourceful cats can even get tangled in a plastic bag, hide in an open drawer, pull down the tablecloth with your lunch 😊 or evening drink.
Cats are notorious for needing to sharpen their claws. Many cat owners have a problem with their cat destroying their chairs or other types of furniture.
This can be well prevented right from kittenhood. Cats are attracted to faux leather or fabrics of all kinds. Unfortunately. That’s why it’s good to have scratching posts in appropriate places. And that brings us to the needs of kittens and cats.

Cat needs
A scratching post is an integral part of the equipment of a household with a cat. It should be of good quality, solid. Today there is a huge choice of scratching posts on the market and they even look nice in the interior as a nice decoration. You just have to put in the work and look for it. A good scratcher is a good investment, some last a long time and some only a few weeks. The rule applies here too – cheap is not good. Since the cat is an animal that likes to climb up high, it’s a good idea to get a high scratching post with platforms. And preferably place it closer to a window, that’s what cats love – a view outside. But don’t resist getting more scratching posts and scratching surfaces. It’s a good idea to teach your cat from the start where he can “snag” his claws and where he can’t. Nowadays, people are even making so-called cat trees. You’ll be surprised, but it looks very nice indoors. And the cats appreciate it very much. All you need is a souk, which you fix to the wall with shelves, for example, and wrap with rope in various places. Inspiration is abundant on the internet and there are no limits to the imagination,
Another thing that kittens and cats will love are shelves and crawl spaces. Again, you can also find some that look nice and tasteful in the living room.
Various resting areas and beds are also related to this. Again, there are clouds of types and types on the market. You can choose which one with the chaise lounges fits your home. But beware! Cats love cardboard boxes, so it may well happen that you get a beautiful royal cat bed and she chooses a box from a new appliance 😊 There is one solution and very popular today and that is the so-called scratching post. They are made of compressed cardboard and come in different shapes – from circular, to ovals and orbits to a beautiful imitation of a sofa. And here I have to say that they work absolutely amazing! For one thing, they blend beautifully into the interior and the cats love it. We have a queue 😊
Kittens need to play and a lot. So the more toys the better and therefore the happier the kitten. They love everything that rattles, rustles, tinkles. There are clouds of toys of this kind on the market. They love to run after balls or mice. Anything with feathers fascinates them. You can get them wooden toys that look nice indoors. Give your kitten your time and play with them as much as possible.

Bowls and toilets
The location of food bowls and toilets is also very important. Both should be in the least busy place in your dwelling. The toilet – the litter box, should be placed somewhere “around the corner”. Some people put them next to their toilets and leave the door open so the cat can go in there at any time. Some people put them in a corner of the apartment. People also make “lockers” for their toilets, or tasteful boxes into which a hole is made in the side and the toilet placed inside. It fits in well with the décor, doesn’t get sand out, and the cat has some privacy.
Food bowls should be well away from the litter box. At least 1.5 m. And the water bowl – at least a metre away from the food bowl. Change the water regularly and give fresh water every day. Do not wash the bowls, as harmful bacteria can form. For kittens, it’s a good idea to start early on a good diet. The cat is an exclusive carnivore, meaning it needs nothing but raw meat. It can get everything it needs from it – vitamins, minerals, nutrients and water! Adapt the feeding to this fact as much as possible. Here’s what you learn when you’re young…. It is actually very hard to convert a cat from commercial low quality food to meat or canned quality food. Extruded kibble is a very poor choice and you will notice it in the cat’s vitality and most importantly health. And last but not least on your wallet! Giving your cat raw meat will work out cheaper, because he doesn’t need to eat as much and it’s also cheaper than all the pouches or bags of kibble in the world. The diet should be varied and balanced. Cats are very hungry creatures and are quick to succumb to bad habits – the flavourings in commercial food. If you don’t want to feed raw meat then the best advice is: ALWAYS READ the ingredients on the food packaging. Don’t buy feed that contains grains and soy or many plant ingredients.

“The best cat”
A cat needs a lot of your attention, time to play, but also to cuddle! The more you devote to him the more friendly, sweet and contactable your cat will be.
A cat is not a dog, so it won’t listen to you as you might wish 😊 But despite this, a cat can be “taught” not to go on the table if you don’t want it to. Not to scratch the chair if you don’t want to. It just takes patience and firmness. But beware! Here again, a cat is not a dog! So don’t punish the cat, it has the opposite effect in many cases! The cat will rear its head and make a fuss 😊

Adult cats
The needs of an adult cat are basically no different from those of a kitten. The only difference is that an adult cat will take a little longer to get used to its new home and will be more alert.
It’s good to have something that the adult cat used to have in its previous home. A bed or toy. An adult cat will want a place where it feels more secure. In these cases, an indoor cat bed, a cubby or something like a kennel in a quiet place helps.
Adult cats need to gain your trust, so don’t rush her and let her come to you on her own.
There are shelves, scratching posts and beds everywhere in my house. Everywhere the cats and our kittens have the opportunity to go they also have the opportunity to play or climb. In short, a happy cat is one that has many places to play, sleep and climb. Not everybody has the opportunity to let their cats out on the terrace or in the garden and despite this, it is possible to make a cat happy just by adapting your home.